AIS-B Wind Turbine Blade Automatic Inspection System

Perform inspections with one click!

Thanks to the advanced technology of our system, we fully automate the inspection process, provide precise and effective examination of the technical condition of blades, increasing reliability in wind energy production.

Automatic turbine flight

The technician’s role is focused solely on launching the aisGCS drone mobile application, entering basic data and launching the mission. Then the drone takes off on its own, flies around the turbine, acquiring photos that are analyzed in real time to find defects on their surface, then the drone lands safely and sends the results to the server.

Real-time damage identification

The on-board computer of the aisPilot drone is equipped with a high-computing unit for real-time image processing. After capturing the image, the on-board computer automatically analyzes the blade surface to detect a defect and determine its category and significance. After the mission, the photos described by the drone are sent directly to the cloud, where a report on the technical condition of the tested blades is generated.

Automatically generated report

Based on the data analyzed by aisDrone and sent to the server, a report on the technical condition of the blades is automatically generated and sent to the Client’s account in the aisBlade application. There, the Client can check the report, make any corrections, and approve it.

Inspection management

The client receives access to the SmartDrones system via the aisBlade application, thanks to which they can launch an inspection, receive and approve reports, view archived data, and manage the inspection planning and execution process.

Choose your cooperation option

Order AIS-B system

Discover the future of wind turbine inspections with the option to purchase a drone with access to the system. Become an independent drone operator with full control over your inspections and access to the latest technology.

SmartDrones Inspection Order

Our experienced team of specialists and advanced equipment guarantee precise tests and full transparency of results. Save time and resources by letting us take care of the technical condition of your wind turbines.

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Wind turbine blade automatic inspection system

Inspection automation

The pilot uses the aisGCS application to start the mission – the aisDrone independently conducts the flight, acquires data and analyzes defects, minimizing the human factor, making the inspection maintenance-free.


Full digitalization of the inspection process thanks to the use of advanced image analysis algorithms in real time and automatic generation of reports, available via cloud computing.

Report archiving

Efficient archiving of reports in the dedicated aisBlade application, providing easy access to historical data and results of performed inspections.

Increased security

High level of inspection safety, eliminating the need for technicians to work at heights and minimizing the risk of accidents thanks to an automated and precise inspection process.

Reduced inspection time

Automation of the inspection mission and advanced image analysis completed with an automatic report significantly shorten the time needed for a comprehensive inspection of wind turbine blades – the entire operation requires only 30 minutes.

Reduction in required technician qualifications

By automating the wind turbine blade flight mission – including the acquisition of blade surface images – the system operation is significantly simplified, increasing availability – anyone with NSTS-02 VLOS <25 kg authorization will be able to operate the entire system.

What else will you gain as an owner or operator of wind farms?

Check what you will gain:

Reducing inspection costs

Increase in revenue

Inspection repeatability

Reducing inspection costs

Reducing inspection costs by approximately 50% through automation – reducing the need for human labor and time spent on analysis in favor of reporting, while increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the process.

Increase in revenue

Increased revenues from energy production as a result of reduced wind turbine downtime during inspections.

Inspection repeatability

Each inspection mission is performed identically by aisDrone, which facilitates the prediction of blade surface damage in subsequent inspection iterations.

What else will you gain as a wind farm servicing company?

Check what you will gain:

Higher margin

Greater supply of services

Ease of planning

Higher margin

By reducing inspection costs by approximately 50% by reducing the human factor, including time spent on preparing reports, it is possible to increase the margin on completed orders.

Greater supply of services

Significantly increased service offering, providing faster, more accurate and more efficient turbine inspections, allowing us to serve more customers and expand the scope of services provided.

Ease of planning

Planning work becomes easier thanks to the aisBlade application and its reliable, repeatable execution process.

Dedicated application for managing inspections

After completing the inspection mission, the cloud computing automatically generates a report on the technical condition of the inspected wind turbine and makes it available to the Client in a dedicated inspection management application – aisBlade.

All in one app!

Reporting the technical condition of tested wind turbine blades

Archiving photos of the blade surfaces of the examined turbines

Planning an inspection mission

Aggregation of results and visualization of important parameters

What is the aisGCS app?

A dedicated mobile application in the drone’s ground control system equipment as a pilot-drone interface to support automatic inspection missions and monitor drone telemetry data during the mission.

Can a aisDrone pilot perform an inspection manually?

The drone pilot does not have the option to start the mission in manual mode. Controlling the drone in manual or semi-automatic mode is available when the aisGCS app asks the pilot to do so – this can only happen during an automatic mission, when the drone detects a system failure – then the application switches to manual or semi-automatic mode and requests the pilot to safely return to the take-off point.

What is the aisBlade app?

A dedicated web application in which system users, depending on their rights, can: add assets, plan and assign inspections to pilots, view and approve reports, and have access to historical data.

What qualifications must a technician performing an automatic inspection have?

The technician must have an NSTS-02 VLOS <25 kg qualification to perform inspection missions by aisDrone.


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