Frequently asked questions

What is the aisGCS app?

A dedicated mobile application in the drone’s ground control system equipment as a pilot-drone interface to support automatic inspection missions and monitor drone telemetry data during the mission.

Can a aisDrone pilot perform an inspection manually?

The drone pilot does not have the option to start the mission in manual mode. Controlling the drone in manual or semi-automatic mode is available when the aisGCS app asks the pilot to do so – this can only happen during an automatic mission, when the drone detects a system failure – then the application switches to manual or semi-automatic mode and requests the pilot to safely return to the take-off point.

What is the aisBlade app?

A dedicated web application in which system users, depending on their rights, can: add assets, plan and assign inspections to pilots, view and approve reports, and have access to historical data.

What qualifications must a technician performing an automatic inspection have?

The technician must have an NSTS-02 VLOS <25 kg qualification to perform inspection missions by aisDrone.

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